[I it .
—- i g. EVERYMAN’S LIBRARY · CLASSIFIED LIST · 5 F ICTlON·-—-c012tzr?ued
- Ge.lt’s Annals of a Parish. Introduction by Baillie Macdonald. 427
Q f Gaskell's (Mrs) Cousin Phillis, etc. Intro. by Thos. Seccombe. 615
L ,, Cranrord. 83
_ »; ,, Mary Barton. Introduction by Thomas Seecombe. 698 Z V ,, Sylvia’s Lovers. Intro. by Mrs. Ellis Chadwick. 524 e T Ghost Stories. Edited by John Hampden. 962
(See also P0m·RY Asn DRAMA)
. A Gleig's (G. R.) The Subaltern. 708 ' i Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister. Carlyle’s Translation. 2 vols. 599-600 L 3 i (See also Essays and Ponray)
Gogol’s (Nicol) Dead Souls. Translated by C. J. Hogarth. 726
- » ,, ,, Taras Bulbs. and Other Tales. 740
Q L Goldsm.lth’s Vicar ot Wakefield. Introduction by J. M. D. 295
5 Qi A (See also ESSAYS and Pomny) _ Goncharov’s Oblomov. Translated by Natalie Duddington. 878 — ~ Gorki’s Through Russia. Translated by C. J. Hogarth. 741
- A Harte’s (Bret) Luck of Roaring Camp and other Tales. 681
. 1, Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables. Intro. Ernest Rhys. 176 ; ,, The Scarlet Letter. 122 . ,, The Blithedule Romance. 592
j ,, The Marble Faun. Intro. by Sir Leslie Stephen. 424 5 l ,, Twice Told Tales. 531
- I (See also Fon Yocxo Psormr)
3 L Hugo’s (Victor) Les Miserables. Intro. by S. R. John. 2 vols. 3634 j¢ r, ,, ,, Notre Dame. Introduction by A. C. Swinburne. 422
. ,, ,, Toilers ot the Sea. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 609 Italian Short Stories. Edited by D. Pettoello. 876
_ James’s (G. P. R.) Richelieu. Introduction by Rudolf Dircks. 357
3; L James's (Henry). The Turn of the Screw and The Aspern Papers. 912
5 I J eiIeriee's (Richard) Aiter London and Amaryllis at the Fair. Intro. by
David Garnett. 951 (See also Fon Yotmo Przormzp
. A Kingsley’s (Charles) Alton Locke. 462 ~
4 L ,, ,, Hcreward the Wake. Intro. by Ernest Rhys. 296 J ,, ,, Hypatia. 230 L ,, ,. Westward Ho! Introduction by A. G. Grieve. 20 *2 ,, ,, YBHSL 611 1 . (Su also Posrny ami Fon Yomzo Paormn) ,, (Henry) Geoffrey Hamlyn. 416 » ,, ,, Ravenehoe. 28 J L Lawrence’s (D. H.) The White Peacock. 914 , Lever’s Harry Lorrequer. Introduction by Lewis Melville. 177 L Lcti’s (Pierre) Iceland Fisherman. Translated by W. P. Baines. 920 QC Lovers Handy Andy. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 178 L Lyt,ton’s Harold. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 15 G; L ,, Last Days ot Pompeii. 80 _ ,, Last ot the Barons. Introduction by R. G. Watkin. 18 ,, Rienzi. Introduction by E. H. Blakeney, M.A. 532 @.3; (See also TRAVEL)
¤¢ ééfv MaeDonald’s (George) Sir Gibbie. 678
(See also Reunion) zi? Manning’s Mary Powell and Deborah’s Diary. Introduction by Katherine *o._e Tynan (Mrs Hinkson). 324 ,, Sir Thomas More. Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 19 Marryat’s Jacob Faithtul. 618 L ,, Mr Midshipmen Easy. Introduction by R. B. Johnson. 82 ,, Percival Keene; Introduction by R. Brimley Johnson. 358
é ,, Peter Simple. Introduction by R. Brimley ohnson. 232
il“. ,, TheKing’s.Own. ,580 I ( I o o (See also Fon Yomro Pnormcl . I I ‘ Q L Maughanfs (Somerset) CaI;eslandAle. 032 G A A I A risupamlcs sumeoszmssr (llo Translated by Marjorie Laurie.) Intro- . Y Y J reduction by Gerald3Gou1d;» Q01 y I I A A A I ., % A _ * Melvi1le’s (Herman) Moby Dick.) Introduction by Ernest Rhys. 179 N `_`,. · G. V 7 ;_· F