" There is," answered the governor, who did not deem it wise, nevertheless, exactly to proclaim his rank. " I have full powers, being directly authorized by the chief- magistrate of this colony." " To what nation does your colony belong?" This was an awkward question, and one that had not been at all anticipated, and which the governor was not fully prepared to answer. " Before interrogatories are thus put, it might be as well for me to know by what authority I am questioned at all," returned Mr. Woolston. "What are the vessels which have anchored in our waters, and under what flag do they sail?" " A man-of-war never answers a hail, unless it comes from another man-of-war," answered the interpreter, smiling. " Do you, then, claim to be vessels of war?" " If compelled to use our force, you will find us so. We have not come here to answer questions, however, but to ask them. Does your colony claim to belong to any particular nation, or not ?" " We are all natives of the United States of America, and our vessels sail under her flag." " The United States of America !" repeated the inter preter, with an ill-concealed expression of contempt. " There is good picking among the vessels of that nation, as the great European belligerents well know ; and while so many are profiting by it, we may as well come in for our share." It rnay be necessary to remind a portion of our readers, that this dialogue occurred more than forty years ago, and long before the republic sent out its fleets and armies to conquer adjacent states; when, indeed, it had scarce a fleet and army to protect its own coasts and frontiers from insults and depredations. It is said that when the late Emperor of Austria, the good and kind-hearted Francis II., was shown the ruins of the little castle of Habsburg, which is still to be seen crowning a low height, in the canton of Aarraw, Switzerland, he observed, "I now see that we have not always been a great family." The go vernor cared very little for the fling at his native land, but 16* L-