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attempt was made to injure Bigelow. On the contrary, he was scarcely watched, and it was no sooner dark than he collected a crew, got into his own whale-boat, and carne to windward to report what was going on to the governor. CHAPTER XII. " A ll gone! tis ours the goodly land Look round the heritage behold ; Go forth upon the mountains stand ; Then, if ye can, be cold." SPBAGUE. LITTLE doubt remained in the mind of the governor, after he had heard and weighed the whole of Bigelow s story, that he had to deal with one of those piratical squad rons that formerly infested the eastern seas, a sort of suc cessor of the old buccaneers. The men engaged in such pursuits, were usually of different nations, and they were always of the most desperate and ruthless characters. The fact that Waally was with this party, indicated pretty plainly the manner in which they had heard of the colony, and, out of all question, that truculent chief had made his own bar gain to come in for a share of the profits. It was highly probable that the original object of these freebooters had been to plunder the pearl-fishing vessels, and, hearing at their haunts, of Betto s group, they had found their way across to it, where, meeting with Waally, they had been incited to their present enterprise. Little apprehension was felt for the Peak. A vessel might hover about it a month, and never find the cove; and should the pirates even make the discovery, such were the natural advantages of the islanders, that the chances were as twenty to one, they would drive off their assailants. Under all the circumstances, therefore, and on the most mature reflection, the governor determined to cross over to the Reef, and assume the charge of the defence of that most important position. Should the Reef fall into the VOL. II. 15

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