young couple, by introducing the son-in-law to his own patients, but this he could not think of doing with a deple- tionist; and John, as Anne affectionately styled her hus band, was left to starve on his system of depletion. Such was the state of things when Bob appeared in Bristol, to announce to the young wife not only the existence but the deserted and lone condition of her husband. The honest fellow knew there was something clandestine about the marriage, and he used proper precautions not to betray his presence to the wrong persons. By means of a little ma nagement he saw Bridget privately, and told his story. As Bob had been present at the wedding, and was known to stand high in Mark s favour, he was believed, quite as a matter of course, and questioned in a thousand ways, until the poor fellow had not really another syllable to commu nicate. The sisters shed floods of tears at the thought of poor Mark s situation. For several days they did little besides weep and pray. Then Bridget suddenly dried her tears, and announced an intention to go in person to the rescue of her husband. Not only was she determined on this, but, as a means of giving a death-blow to all expectations of a separation and to the hopes of her new suitor, she was resolved to go in a way that should enable her to remain on the Reef with Mark, and, if necessary, to pass the re mainder of her days there. Bob had given a very glowing description of the charms of the residence, as well as of the climate, the latter quite justly, and declared his readiness to accompany this faithful wife in the pursuit of her lost partner. The whole affair was communicated to Doctor and Mrs. Heaton, who not only came into the scheme, but enlisted in its execution in person. The idea pleased the former in particular, who had a love of adventure, and a desire to see other lands, while Anne was as ready to fol low her husband to the ends of the earth, as Bridget was to go to the same place in quest of Mark. In a word, the whole project was deliberately framed, and ingeniously carried out. Doctor Heaton had a brother, a resident of New York, and often visited him. Bridget was permitted to accom pany Anne to that place, whither her money was trans-