But Bob made a suggestion which changed this plan, and caused a delay that was attended with very serious conse quences. The weather had become cloudy, and a little menacing, for the last few days, and Bob proposed that they should lower the awning, get up shears on the rock, and step the mast of the pinnace before they launched her, ns a means of saving some labour. The spar was not verj heavy, it was true, and it might be stepped by crossing a couple of the oars in the boat itself; but a couple of light spurs top-gallant studding-sail booms for instance would enable them to do it much more readily, before the crad was put into the water, than it could be done afterwards. Mark listened to the suggestion, and acquiesced. The awning was consequently lowered, and got out of the vay. To prevent the hogs from tearing the sail, it was placed on two of the wheelbarrows and wheeled up into the crater, whither those animals had never yet found their way. Then the shears were got up, and the mast w 3 stepped and rigged; the boat s sails were found and bent. Mark now thought enough had been done, and that, the next day, they might undertake the launch. But another sug gestion of Bob s delayed the proceedings. The weather still continued clouded and menacing. Betts was of opinion, therefore, that it might be well to stow the provisions and water they intended to ise in the pinnace, while she was on the stocks, as they could work round her so much the more easily then than afterwards. Accordingly, the breakers were got out, on board the ship, and filled with fresh water. They were then s uck into the raft. A barrel of beef, and one of pork followed, with a quantity of bread. At two trips the raft earned all the provisions and stores that were wanted, and the cargoes were landed, rolled up to the side of the pinnai^, hoisted on board of her, by means of the throat-halliard, and pro perly stowed. Two grapnels, or rather one grapnel, and a small kedge, were found among the pinnace s materials, everything belonging to her having been stowed in the same part of the ship. These, too, were carried round to the ship-yard, got on board, and their hawsers bent. In a word, every preparation was made that might be necessary