I leapt for joy, but hope deceives;
With heat he seemed to swelter,
The Cycad 'neath her fronded leaves
In vain proposed a shelter.
He scorned that generous Gymnosperm;
No Conifer revived him;
He vanished, never to return;
His jaw alone survived him.
The sombre Sigillaria sighed;
He would not linger for us,
And only to our calls replied
The winsome Ichthyosaurus.
"Too bad!' the Saurian murmured, "but
He '11 surely come to-morrow;"
While down the drear Connecticut
The Dinosaur marched in sorrow.
But soon Herbivores arose,
Nor far behind the Lemur;
And some that had too many toes,
Which gave a proud demeanor.
But now I mourned my task begun,
The country grew so hilly;
I didn't like the Mastodon,
And found the glaciers chilly.