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DUBLIN! &9 TALBOT-STREET. LONDON, GLASGOW, AND EDINBURGH. The Cabinet of Irish Literature. A l>ook of Selections from the principal Irish Writers. Edited, with Biographical Sketches and Literary Notices, by Charles A. Bead, f.r.ii.s., and T. i O’Connor, M.A. Illustrated by a series of Thirty-two fine Portraits in mesochrome, specially prepared for this work. Pour vols., super-royal 8vo., cloth, elegant, 34s. “They are as liandsoiue and as elaborately finished, in regard of type and illustration, as any vif.iinies that we know ; and as specimens of native genius iTtty venture to term the • Cabinet of Irish Literature ’ unique.” — Freeman's Joumed. Thomas Moore, the Poet : His Life and Works. By a. J. Symington, f.r.s.n.a. With Portrait. Cloth, elegant, 2s. 6d. Samuel Lover : A Biographical Sketch, With Selections from his Writings and Correspondence. By a. J. Symington, f.r.s.n.a. With Portrait. Cloth, elegant, 2s. 6d. History of the Earth and Animated Nature. By Oliver Goldsmith. Revised Edition. With a Supplement and numerous Notes from the Works of the most distinguished British and Foreign Naturalists. Preceded by a Memoir of the Author, by J OHN F rancis Waller, ll.d. Illustrated by numerous Engravings on Wood and Steel, and a series of Coloured Plates. 2 vols., super-royal, 8vo., cloth, £2. 6s. A History of the British Empire. For the use of Colleges and Schools. By Edgar Sanderson, m.a., late Scholar of Clare College, Cambridge. With numerous Illustrative Engravings, Genealogical Tables, Maps, and Plans. 444 pp., foolscap 8vo., cloth, red edges, 2s. 6d. “ A model of terse succinct narration and lucidity of arrangement. ... A better manual than this for the higher classes in elementary schools need not be wished ; it is an excellent basis for the more advanced and scientific study o4 history.” — Scotsman. “There is force everywhere — in the way the history itself is unfolded, in the way the balance is maintained between a desire to he just to all sides and a strong determination not to be politically colour-blind, in the way party spirit is treated, and even in the way the book is printed.” — Freeman's Journal. Outlines of the World’s History, Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern, with special relation to the History of Civilization and the Progress of Mankind. By Edgar Sanderson, m.a., late Scholar Clare College, Cambridge. With numerous Illustrations, and Eight Coloured Maps. 664 pp., crown 8vo., cloth, red edges, 6s. 6d. “ Mr. Sandei son’s book surpasses most of its predecessors in usefulness, because it lays mere stress on the contributions made by the chief peoples of the world to the common stock of civiliza- tion, than on the deeds of kings, and queens, and statesmen.” — Westminster Meview. “ The account given here of the great American war surpasses for clearness and fulness any summary we have elsewhere seen.” — Athenceum. “ The book is written with remarkable correctness : it follows the lesfd of the best English writers on each period.” — Guardian. Annandale’s Concise English Dictionary. A Concise Dictionary of the English Language — Literary, Scientific, Etymological, and Pronouncing. Based on Ogilvie’s Imperial Dictionary. By Charles Annandale, M.A., ll.d. Containing a Copious Vocabulary, with careful Definitions ; Explana- tions of Phrases, Proverbial Expressions, &c. : Brief Notes on Synonyms and Grammatical Constructions ; and useful Appendices. 832 pp., foolscap 4to., cloth, 10s. 6d. ; half-morocco, los. [I , Concise Dictionary stpnds first — and by a long interval — amor,^ all the one-volume English Dictionaries hitherto published.”— TAe Academy,

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