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Smyth’s French Revolution. 2 vole. 3a 6d each.

Bohn Spirit of the Nation. Is. Duffy, Dublin Spenser — View of the State of Ireland, (s.h.) ; also published in Thom’s Tracts and Treatises; Fairy Queen, Life of Spenser. 2s. State Papers of James I, edited by Dr Russel Statutes of the Realm Stokes (Miss) — Early Christian Architecture of Ireland. £1 Is. BeU, London Story — Impartial History of Affairs in Ireland, a Continuation of the History of the War in Ire- land Strong Box Open T ' Taylor’s Civil Wars of Ireland. 2 vols. 1831 Tain Bo Cualaigiie; or, Cattle Spoil of Cooley. Published in Transactions of Archaeological Society. Taafe— Observations on the State of Ireland since the Settlement of 1691 Teeling — History of Ireland, Close of Last Cen- tury ; Personal Narrative. Is 6d. Cameron and Ferguson Temple’s Rebellion. A History of the Beginnings and First Progress of the General Rebellion raised in Ireland in 1641. Dublin, 1713 Thackeray (W, M.) — Irish Sketch Book. 3s 6d. Smith, Elder & Co Thierry’s Norman Conquest. 2 vols. Bohn. 3s 6d each Thom’s Directory, 21s Thompson’s Birds of Ireland. 3 vols. 1849 Thornton’s Plea for Peasant Proprietors. Loudon, 1848 Todd (Dr) — Life of St Patrick, published in ’63. Longman. The Battles of the Gael with the with the Gaedhel Tone — Autobiography Memoirs. Published in Washington Tynan (Katherine), Poems of. 3s 6d. Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co Torrens M'Cullagh — Life of Sheil. Published by Coburn, Loudon, in 2 vols. (s h). Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy Transactions of the Gaelic Society Trollope (Anthony) — The MacDermott’s of Bally- cloran. 2s u. Uptcn’s Uncle Pat. 3s. Gill, Dublin. Ussher — S^lloge Veterum Epistolarum Hiberni- carum. (s h) Ussher’s Historical Works. Dublin, 1639 V. Vere De, Aubrey — Queen Meave and other Le- gends of the Heroic Age, 5.s. Legends of St Patrick, 6s. Kegan Paul, London. Innisfail. 5e. Mary Tudor. Volumes of Ulster Archseological Societyj Hodges and Smith. Volumes published by the Ossianic Society. Volumes of Celtic and Archajological Society. The transactions of these Societies contain works relating to Ireland referred to by corre- spondents, but not published in separate form. Vindicioe Hibernise. Carey w. Wailly De Leon — Stella and Vanessa. Walker’s Journal of the Siege of Derry. Walpo'e — Kingdom of Ireland. 6s. Kegan Paul, Trench and Co. Walsh (Rev Father) — Ecclesiastical History of Ireland. New York, 1866 Wakefield — An account of Ireland, (s h), pub, 1812. Warren’s Celtic Liturgies. Warner’s (Dr Ferdinandos’s)— History of Ireland. 1841 Ware (Sir James) — History and Antiquities of Ire- land, translated from the Latin and edited by Walter Harris (sh). Works of Ware, edited by Harris, and published in 1764. 3 vols (s h). Ware’s Works are contained in Tracts and Treatises (Thom), 1860. Wasserschleben’s Irish Canon Law. Webb (Alfred) — Compendium of Irish Biography. 16s. Dublin, GiU. Wilde (Lady — “ Speranza”) — Poems. Is 6d. Cameron and Ferguson, Glasgow. Wilde (Sir William) — Beauties of the Boyne and Blackwater. Lough Corrib. 7s 6d. Gill, Dublin. Catalogue of Royal Irish Academy, 3 vols. Memoirs of Swift. Wvse (Sir Thomas)— Catholic Association (s.h) Pub 1829 Wills — Lives of Illustrious Irishmen, in 12 vols. Also published as The Irish Nation, Its History and its Biography, in 4 vols. £1 10s Williams (R D)— Poems of. 6d. J^ation Office Y. Young — Tour in Ireland, with General Observa- tions on tlie Present State of that Kingdom (s.h.) Pub 1710 z. Zeus (J C) — Grammatica Celtica. Lipsiso, 1853. Editio altera. Berolini (Preface and Prosody) Ziminor(HeDricus) — Glossao Hibernicoo e codicilus Wirziburgensi Carolisruhensibusaliisadjuvante Academia) regia) Berolinensis liberalitate edidit. Heinricus Zimmer Weidman, Berlin, 1881- Keltishe stndien, Ersles Heft ; Irische Texte mit worterbuch. Von E Winsdisch. Berlin, Weid- man, 1881

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