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Giraldus Cambrenals — Historical Works 5s.

Bohn (Jladatono (Right Hoii W E)— Speochos on Irish Cjueatiuns (lodkin — Ireland and Her Church. IGa Uodkin — The Land War in Ireland; A History of tho Times, 4s 6d. London, 1870 Goldsmith (Oliver) — Vicar of Wakefield, la ; Essays and other works, 2s 6d. Macmillan and Co. Various cheap editions Gordon — History of Rebellion in Ireland, 1798. Pub 1803, (s h) ; History ot Ireland (sh), Pub 1801 Graves (Alfred Percival). Irish Songs and Bal- lads. Ireland, Manchester. Groville (Cliarles) Past and Present Policy of England towards Ireland Griffin (Gerald) — The Collegians ; Munster Festivals ; The Invasion. Gysippus. 2s. Duffy, Dublin Grose (Francis) — Antiquities of Ireland. 2 vols. Loo per, London, 1791 Grattan (Right Hon Henry) — Speeches of; 4 vols, Longman, London. Pub 1822. Life, by his Sou; 5 vols. Pub by Colbourne, London, 1839. Cheap editions by Duffy Griffith’s Report on Irish Coal Fields. Dublin, 1818 Green — History of the English People ; 4 vols, £3 4s ; shorter History of the English Peopile, 8s 6d. MacmiUan H HaUam — Constitutional History of England, 7s 6d, also 3s 6d. Ward, Lock, and Co. (Chapter on Ireland) Halliday’s Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin. Thom, Dublin, 7s 6d. Hall’s (Mrs) Irish Sketches, 1 vol. Harris’s (Walter) Life of William III. 15s Healy (T M) — Why there is an Irish Land League. GiU Dublin Hennessy (W H) — Works and Translations from the Irish, Annals of Loch Ce, 2 vols. Hennessy (Pope) — Sir Walter Raleigh in Ireland. 10s. fid. Kegan Paul Hardv — Life of Charlemont. 2 vols 8vo; (s h). Pub 1812 Hartley (Mrs) — Flitters and Tatters, Hogan, M P. each 2s Hardiman’s Minstrelsy. Irish Minstrelsy or Border Remains of Ireland, with English Poetical Translations. 2 vols. 25s. 1831. Haverty — History of Ireland, 7s 6d. Duffy Henaessy’s (W H) Chronicon Scotorum Harwood (Philip) — History of the Irish Rebellion in ’98 Hoey (Mrs Cashel) — Works of Hull’s Geology of Ireland. 7s. Hume — History of England. 18 vols. 4s each. Various cheaper editions. Hickson (Mary) — Ireland in the 17th Century ; or the Irish Massacres of 1641-2 ; their Causes and Results. 2 vols ; 28s. Longmans, London Hutchinson — Commercial Restraints. Edited by ' W G Carroll, M A. 6s. Gill, Dublin Hutton (Annie) — The Embassy in Ireland of Mousiguor G B Riuuccini, Archbishop of Fern.o, in the Years 1645-1649. Thom, Dublin, 1873 I Irwin (T C) — Oscar and Eva. Songs and Romances, 5s. Pictures and Songs, 3s 6d. Gill, Dublin J Journals of tho Archtrological Society of Kil- kenny. Hodges and Figgis, Dublin Joly’s Did Biidge of Athloue. 1881. Hodges and Figgis Joyce’s Celtic Rornance.s, 7s 6d. Irish Names of JMaces ; 2 vols, 5a each. Ancient Irish Music, Is 6d. Joyce (Robert Dwyer) — Deirdre. 4s. Gill, Dub- lin K Kane (Sir Robert) — Industrial Resources of Ire- land. (s h). Kavanagh (Miss Julia) — Works of Kay — Social Condition of the European People, Free Trade in LainJ. Is. Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co, London. Pub 1879 Keary (Annie) — Castle Daly, 6s. Macmillan Kelly (Rev Dr) — Dissertations on Irish Church History. 7s 6d. Keating — History of Ireland. 4s. Duffy, Dublin Kickham (Charles J) — Poem.s and Tales. Knock- nagow. 3s 6d. Sally Kavanagh or the Un- tenanted Graves. 6d. Kinahau’s Physical Geography of Ireland. 15s. Kegan Paul, Kennedy’s (J) Fireside Stories. Gill, Dublin Killen’s Ecclesiasi ical History of Ireland ; 2 vols, 8vo, 25s. MacMillan and Co, London King’s (Archbishop) State of the Protestants in Ireland under King James’s Government. 1691. King (Rev Robeit) — Church History of Ire and. A Printer of the History of the Holy Catiisi lie Church in Ireland, from the Introduction of Christianify to the Foundation of the Modern Irish Branch of the Church of Rome. 3 vols. 10s 6d. Dublin, 1845-51. L Language and Literature of the Scottish High- lands , Lanigan — Eccl History of Ireland, pub by Hodges and M'Arthur, Dublin, in 1822, in 4 vols. Lardiier — Cabinet Cyclopedia. Longman, Lon- don. Lawless (Hon Mrs) — Hurrish. Blackwood and Co. 6s. Lecky (W E H) — History of England in Eighteenth Century ; 4 vols, £3 12s. Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland, 7s 6d. Longmans and Co, Loudon Lenihan (Maurice) — History of Limerick. 12s. Duffy, Dublin Lefanu — Fortunes of Turlough O’Brien Leland — Life of St Patrick; History of Ireland, 3 vols.- Dublin, 1814 Leslie (Clitfe, Professor) — Land Systems of Eng- land, Ireland, and the Continent Letters from an Armenian on Ireland to his Friends Letters of Guatamozin. London, 1779 Lewis (Sir George Cornwall) — Irish Disturbances, 1836 Lewis — Topographical Dictionary and Atlas. 3 vols. Lever (Charles) — Harry Lorrequer, Charles O’Malley, Jack Hinton, St Patrick’s Eve. Lbuyd’s Archseologica Brittanica. 1707. Oxford,

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