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Some of the Best 100 books belonging to Ireland

Now in print.

Ballad Poetry of Ireland. New Edition. Edited by Sir Charles Cavan Duffy, .^s. Ballads of Ireland. Collected and edited, with Notes, Historical and Biographical, by Edward Hayes, Esq^. Two thick volumes. 6s. Barrington^s Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation. ,1s. Bird’s-Eye View of Irish History. By Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, K.C.M.G. Reprinted from “ Young Ireland ’’ Enlarged by the addition of the essentials of Irish History.' 2s. Irish Peoide’s Edition of same, fancy cover. Is A IMgnioir on Ireland, Native and Saxon. By the late Daniel O’Connell, Esq., M.P. Is. National Ballads, Songs, and Poems. By Thomas Davis, M.R.I.A. is. The Book of Irish Ballads. By Denis Florence M'Carthy, Esq , M.R.I.A. Is. The Ballad Poetry of Ireland. By Sir C. G. Duffy. Is The Life and Times of Aodli O’Neill, Prince of Ulster ; called l)y the English Hugh, Earl of Tyrone. With some account of his predecessors. Con, Shane, and Tirlough. By John Mitchel. 's. The Songs of Ireland. By Michael J. Barry, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Is. The Sx^irit of the Nation. A New and Revised edition, with the names of the writers, &c. Is. French (Right Rev. Dr.) Bleeding Ixdiigenia. Is. Unkind Deserter of Loyal Men and 'Prue Friends. Is. The History of the Irish Volunteers of 1782. By Thomas MacXevin, Esq. Is. Thomasine’s Poems : ^Yild Flowers from the ^Vayside. With an Introduction by Sir Charles Gavan Dnffy. Is. Literary and Historical Essays. By Thomas Davis. A new and enlarged edition. Is. The Life of 0 Connell. By the Very Rev. John Canon O'Rourke, P.P., M.R.I.A. Is. History of Ireland, from the Earliest Period to the Union. By M. llaverty. Esq. 6s. History of Ireland, from the Siege of Limerick to the" present time. By John Mitchel, Esq. Two volume.s, cloth. ,‘').s. History of the Great Irish Famine of 1847, J'he) ; with notice.^ of earlier Irish Famines. By tue Very Rev John Canon O'Rourke, M.R.I.A., and P.P., Maynooth. Crown 8vo., cloth, second edition. 5s. Keating’s History of Ireland. By Dermod O’Connor. 4s. The Confederation of Kilkenny. 2s. The Irisli Franciscan Monasteries, their Rise and Fall. Is 6d. 'J he Geraldines. Is. 6d. d'he Fale and Fortunes of O’Neill and O'Donnell. By Rev. C. P. Meehan. 7s. Cd. The Portrait of a Christian Bishop; or, the liife and Death of the Most Rev. Francis Kirwan, Bi.shop of Killaloe. 2s. Mangans Poets and I’oetry of Munster. Copyriglit eilition. 3s. Mangan’s Essays, in Prose .and Verse. Is. Mangan’s German Anthology. 2 vols. 2s. Irish .Melodies and National Ail s. By Thomas Moore. New edition. ISmo., cloth. Is. Moian’s (His Eminence Cardinal) History of the Catholic Archl)i.shop.s of Dublin since the Refor- mation. Vol. 1. Hvo., cloth. 7s. (id. Historical Sketch of the Persecutions suffered by the Catholics of Ireland under the Rule of Cromwell .and the I’urit.ans, Os. Speeches of Edniuml Burke.* Cloth. 2s. .John Philjiot Curran. Cloth. 2s. Henry Grattan. Cloth. 2s. D.aniel O’Connell. Two vols. 4s. W. C. Plunkett. Cloth. 2s. Jtichard Lalor Slunk 2s. Notk. — 'I he People’s Kdition of the Speeches of the Irish Orators, in Printed Cover, at Is. each volume. O’Peilly’s .and O’Donov.an’s Irish-English Dictionary. lOs. 'J'he Spirit of the Nation, with Music. 10s. Collections on Irish Church History. By Very Rev. L. F. Renehan, D.D. Archbishops since the Reformation. 7s. (id. Dissert.ation om Irish Church History. By the Rev. Matthew Kelly, D.D. 7s. 6d. Church History of Ireland, from the Anglo- Norman Invasion to the Reformation. By the Rev. S. Malone. 2 vols. 16s. Collections on the History of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin. By Very Rev. M. Comerford, P.P. First and Second Series. * Each 6s. Life of Mrs. Ball, Foundress of the Loretto Convents. By Rev. William Hutch, D.D. 5s. Life of Most Rev. Peter Lomb.ard, Archbishop of Armagh, prefixed to his De Regno Hibernia; Sanc- torum Insula Commeutarius. By Card Moran. 6s 6d, Life of Cardinal Mezzofanti. By Very Rev. Monsignor C. W. Russell, D.D. 6s. An Irish Translation of the Pentateuch, with corresponding English version. By Most Rev. Dr. MacHale. 10s. The First Eight Books of Homer’s Iliad, translated into Irish. Irish and Greek on opposite pages. By Most Rev. Dr. MacHale. lUs. Moore’s Irish Melodies, translated into Irish, with original English on opposite page.s. By .Most Rev. Dr. MacHale. 5s. Life, I'imes, and Correspondence of the )IostRev. Dr. Doyle. By W. J. Fitzpatrick, Esq. 2 vols. 12s. Od. Ireland Under English Rule. By the Abbe Perraud, now Bishop of Autun. I’ranslated by J. P. Leonard, Esq., and published under the superinten- dence of the late John Edward I’igot, E.sq. ; John Martin. M.P. ; and P. J. Smyth, M.P. 5s. History of Down and Connor. By Rev. James O’Laverty, P.P. Vol. III. “Connor,” 7s. 6d. Lives of the Irish Saints. Bv the Very Rev. Canon O’Haulon. Vol. I., 22s. 6d! ; Vol. II., 21s. 6d. ; Vol. III., 27s. ; Vol. IV., 17s. Moore’s Irish .Melodies, with Symx)honies and Accompaniments. By Sir John Stevenson. 7s. 6d. Banim’s Irish Historical Novels and Legendary Romances : — The Peejr o’ Day, and Crohoore of the Billhook. 2s. Croppy ; a Tale of 1798. 2s. Boyne Water ; a Tale of the Willianiite Wars. 2s. Denounced ; or. The Last Baron of Crana. 2s. Carleton’s Black Baronet. 2s. Evil Eye. Is. 6d. Valentine M‘Clutchy 2s. Willy Reilly. 2s. Gerald Gridin’s Works, viz.; — The C'ollegians. Complete in one volume. 2s. Card Drawing; The Half Sir; Suil Duiv the Coiner. Complete in one volume 2s Holland-tide ; The Ayhners of Hallyaylmer ; The Hand and Word ; 1'iie Barber of Bantry, &c. 2s. The Rivals ; and Tracy’s Ambition. 2s. ’bales of the Jury Room. 2s. 'bhe Duke of Monmouth. 2s. Poetical Works ; and Gis.'-i]»pus, a Play. 2s. Life of Gerald Gridin. By his Brother. 2s. 'bales of the Five Senses ; A Night at Sea ; Touch Mine Honour, Ac. 2s. 'bbe lin asion ; a National Tale. 2s. The I'eople’s Edition of the.se inimitable Romances of oir great National Novelist is issueil in 10 vols., j)icto- lial covers, price of each volume, is. History and Anti(|uities of Cimeri(;k, Ecclo .siastical. Civil, aud Military, fniiu the earliest ages. Compiled from the Ancic'iit Annals, the most aiitlmntic MSS. and printed records, recent re.searches, Ac By Maurice I^eiiihan, Es<j Second lulition. Demy 8vo., cloth Pis. History of Willitimite and Jacobite Wars in Ireland 6s Irish Pedigrees ; or, the Origin ;ind Stem (»f the Irisli Nation. By John O’Hart, Fellow of the Uoyal Historical and Arclueological Association of Ireland. bMrst Series. Js. Second Series. Js. JAMES DUFFY & SONS, 15 Wellinj 2 :ton Quay, DUBLIN, & 1 Paternoster Row., LONDON,

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