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The Præcognita of

Church witneſſing this ſweetneſſe. The Samaritans at firſt believed , the woman when ſoe ſpake of Chriſt but after they heard Chriſt himſelf, they ſay to the woman, Now we believe, not becauſe of thy ſaying, for we have heard him our ſelves and know that this is indeed the Chriſt, the Saviour of the world, Joh. 4. 42. Even ſo he that having begged the aſſiſtance or Gods Spirit reads the Scriptures again & again, at length saith, Now I believe no longer for the Churches teſtimony, that the Scriptures are divine; becauſe I have read them myſelf, and in reading have ſtamped this Syllogiſm in my minde.

1. That Scripture which everywhere brings in God himſelſ ſpeaking 2. Which is written by thoſe men who being furniſhied with the gifts of propheſying and miracle from God extraordinariy, do with ſuch faithfulnes record all things, that in rehearſing of ſins and infirmities, they neither ſpare themſelves nor fiends. 3. who record not only truths and things agreeing with right reaſon, but divine matters alſo and ſuch as tranſcend all reaſon. 4. After a divine manner, and in a wonderfull harmony of circumſtaces in the ſame, things rehearſed by different writers. 5. To the Glory of God alone and our ſalvation. 6. With admirable efficacy, both in moving the hearts, and corroborating them againſt moſt exquiſite tortures0, 7. In the miraculous preſervation of it againſt Diabolicall and Tyrannical fury: That Scripture, I ſay, which thus delivereth theſe things, is doubtleſs divine, both in its Original, and in its Authority; But ſuch is the holy Scripture; Therefore, it is Divine both in its Originall and in its Authority.

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