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Chriſtian Divinity.


illumination of the Holy Ghoſt, no man ſees the wonder of the Scripture. Pſal. 119. 18 Open my eyes, that, I may ſee the wonders of thy Law. Ergo, &c. 4. VVhoſe office it is to lead us into all truth, he it is that witneſſeth this truth, to wit, that the Scripture is Gods word. But it is the office of the Holy Ghoſt, to lead us into all truth, John 16 13. Ergo, &c. Now as for the Churches teſtimony, although it is to be received as from Gods Miniſter, yet it is falſe that Scriptures authority depends on it: For what can be more abſurd, than to make the words of the Maſter to receive their authorty from the Servant; or the Fathers letters to receive credit, from the foot poſt, or the Princes mandates, from the Printer, or that the Rule would have its dependence from the thing ruled? VVe know that the oracles of God are committed to the Church Rom. 3. 2. and that ſhe is the pillar & ground of truth. 1 Tim. 3. 15. But as it is fooliſh to tell us, that the candle receives its lights from the candleſtick that ſupports it, ſo it is ridiculous to aſcribe the Scriptures authority to the Church. The Churches teſtimony may be prevalent with thoſe who as yet know not the Scriptures, and have not received that ſincere milk of the word, nor by it are grown up, 1 Pet. 2. 2. But in thoſe who have taſted the ſweetneſſe of divine oracles, teſtimony of Scriptures and of the Holy Ghoſt is moſt firm and effectual: For as he who taſteth hony himſelf, hath a more ſure knowledge of its ſweetneſſe, than he that believeth another ſpeaking & witneſſing of it: even ſo, he knoweth more aſſuredly the Scriptures to be Gods Word, who hath taſted its ſweetneſe, than he gives credit to the

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