The Præcognita of
ſpake as they were moved by the Holy Ghoſt. But inwardly in the hearts of the faithful he perfwades the divinity of Scriptures, ſo far forth as he openeth the eyes & illuminates the mind of him that reads the Scripture with prayer and humility, that he makes him ſee the wonders of God, and cauſeth him to acknowledge the Voice of Gods Spirit ſounding in the Word.
The Romaniſts urge the Churches authority alone, which they have in ſuch high eſteem, that they will have the whole authority of Scriptures to have its dependence from the Church; and for this only cauſe they will have it to be Gods Word, becauſe the Church is the witneſſe of it, But this is not to make the Church a witneſſe of the Scriptures divinity, but to make herſelf capable of divinity. But we will prove by theſe enſuing arguments, that the teſtimony of Gods Spirit alone is it, which firmly aſſures us of the ſcriptures divinity I. His teſtimony concerning the Scriptures is moſt firm, by whoſe inſpiration the Scripture was written: For every one knows his own hand beſt, and is beſt a quainted with his own ſtile: But the Scripture was written by the inſpiration of the holy Ghoſt, 2 Tim. 3. 16. 2 Pet. 1, 20, 21. Ergo, & c. 2. He that together with the Scripture is promiſed in a moſt neer conjunction to the faithful, his teſtimony of the Scripture is moſt firm: But the Holy Ghoſt is promiſed to the faithful in a moſt neer conjunction with the Scripture. Eſa. 59. 21. My ſpirit which is in thee, & my words which I have put in thy mouth ſhall not depart from thy mouth. 3. Without whoſe illumination, the wonders of the Scripture are not ſeen, his teſtimony alone of the Scripture is moſt firm: But without the