Chriſtian Divinity
principle of Divinity than the written word of God.
VI. It is an unquestionable Principle amongſt Chriſtians, that the Holy Scripture is both of a divine original and authority.
VII. It is then a queſtion ill beſeeming a Chriſtian, to demand whether the Scripture or holy Bible be Gods word or not?
For as in the Schools there is no deſputing with him who denies Principles; ſo we account him unworthy to be heard, who will deny this principle of Chriſtian Religion.
VIII. Among Christians it is lawful to ask, By what testimony do we know that the Scriptures are by divine inſpiration? So we ask not for this end, to ſeduce others or to cavel, but onely to be inſtucted.
IX. Now this teſtimony is twofold the one principal, the other miniſterial. The principal teſtimony is that of the Holy Spirit, outwardly in the Scripture itſelf, inwardly in the minds and hearts of the faithful, being: illuminate by him, speaking and perſwading the divinity of the Scriptures, But the miniſterial teſtimony is the teſtimony of the Church.
Outwardly in the Scriptures themſelves, the holy Ghoſt, when he ſpeaks of the divine original and authority of the VVord, uſeth theſe phraſes; The word of the Lord, Thus ſaith the Lord. Jeſ said, All Scripture is by divine inſpiration. 2 Tim. 3. 16 Holy men of God