To The Reader.
Stares: Yet notwithſtanding, whereas it is conſiſtant with the conſcience and callings of all Gods ſervants, to advance what they can the publike benefit; I being called to be chief Paſtor in this place, was enjoyned by the Reverend Colledge of Divines to expound the Old Teſtament , which by Gods help and their command I ſo undertook that beſides my Lectures on the Text, I propoſed to my hearers a ſhort form of wholſom and good words, taken out of other mens lucubrations, and reduced into this brief Epitome. Now although I perceived that many did very wel like my paines and purpoſe in this kind; yet I profeſſe, the divulging of this Piece was leaſt in my thoughts. Therefore, in that at laſt this Child, of which I have been in labour theſe ſeven years, is now born and brought out to light I earneſtly intreat the friendly Reader to impute this, not to any itching humour I have of writing, but to the often ſollicitations of my Friends, who have extorted it from me, I beſeech God that he will be pleaſed graciouſly to preſerve the remaining companies of Teachers & Schollers, and that for his mercies ſake, whereof we have