The Preface of Iohn
Wollebius D.D. to the Reader.
THE bleſſed Apoſtle, in his ſecond Epiſtle to Timothy, cap. i verſ. 13, writes thus; Hold faſt the form of good words which thou haſt heard of me in faith and love. An excellent admonition and worthy to be preſſed upon all Chriſtians; but chiefly on thoſe who have wholly devoted themſelves to the ſtudy of Divinity. For as it concernes every Chriſtian to be skilled in the chief Chatechiſtical heads at leaſt, that by their help and guide they may with the greater profite heare and read Gods Word; ſo it becomes all Students in Divinity, before all things to imprint in their memories the Anatomie of the Body of Theologie that in the Common places, in the definitions and Diviſions of heavenly doctrine, they may be exact and perfect. Now in this kind divers eminent men, furniſhed with a far greater meaſure of Spiritual Unction than my ſelf, have afforded ſuch helps to young Students, that he, who goes about to adde any thing to theſe, will ſeem to light a Candle at noon-day,or to garniſh the Firmament with more