Will you come and see my father's library,
Professor? "
I followed him to a long gallery, lined with many handsomely bound books, which, to judge from the dust which covered their edges, were rarely opened. What was my delight to find that one of the first volumes I pulled out of a glass case was the Catechismus Samogiticus! I could not help uttering a cry of pleasure. It seemed as though some mysterious power were exerting its influence unknown to us.
The Count took the book, and, after he had turned over the leaves carelessly, wrote on the fly-leaf: " To Professor Wittembachj from Michael Szemioth." I did not know how to ex- press my great gratitude, and I made a mental resolution that after my death this precious book should be the ornament of my own University library.
" If you like to consider this library your workroom," said the Count, " you shall never be disturbed here."
After breakfast the following day the Count proposed that I should take a walk with him. The object in view was to visit a kapas (the name given by the Lithuanians to tumuli, called