Hermann started and recalled to mind the story of the three cards. He kept walking to and fro in front of the house, thinking of the woman who occupied it, of her wealth and her mysterious power. After reaching his barely furnished room, it was a long time before he could get to sleep, and when he did, visions of cards, of a green cloth, heaps of gold coins and bank-bills floated before his closed eyes. He dreamed how, staking on one card after the other, he kept winning incessantly, winning at every turn, pocketing gold coins and filling his pockets with bank-notes. On awaking, he sighed at not finding his imaginary treasure, and to divert his thoughts from this dream, he walked out once more in the direction of the Countess's house, which he reached in a short time. There was an irresistible attraction about it and he stopped to look up at the windows. In one of them he saw a young girl with black hair, bending gracefully over a book or maybe a piece of embroidery. She looked up and he beheld a fresh young face, whose pretty dark eyes attracted him. That moment decided his fate.