she could not pray, for Don Juan's image was constantly before her. Even when she joined the nuns in their exercises of worship, it was but a mechanical act, for her thoughts were wholly engrossed in her fatal passion.
After a little while she no longer had the strength to resist, and intimated to Don Juan that she would agree to anything. She argued to herself, that, since she was already lost, her fate could be no worse for having tasted a brief moment of happiness. Don Juan, overjoyed, made his preparations to take her from the convent. He selected a night when there was no moon. The gardener provided Teresa with a rope-ladder for use in climbing the convent walls. A bundle of conventional garments was to be concealed in the garden, for it would never do to be seen in the street in a nun's habit. Don Juan would be waiting for her on the outer side of the convent wall. Not far away, a litter, harnessed to a pair of strong mules, would be in readiness to drive them quickly to a house in the country. There, safe from all pursuit, her life would be peaceful and happy under the protection of her lover. Such was the plan that Don Juan had outlined. He had appropriate clothing made for Teresa; he tested the ladder, and sent her instructions how to attach it; indeed, he