Note'. Page I8,line 1. — An eastern pfant ingrafted on the soil. — The Cane is said to liave been first tiai.splaiited from Madeira to the Brazils, by the Portuguese, and af- terwards introduced by the Spaniards into the Charibbee Islands. — See also line 21, below.
Note '. Page 36, line 6. — To deeds of charity and words of truth. — Dr Winterbotham says, * The respect which
- the Africans pay to old people is very great.— One of the
- severest insults which can be offered to an African is
' to speak disrespectfully of his mother.' — ' The negro
- race is perhaps the most prolific of all the human spe-
' cies. Their infancy and youth are singularly happy. — ' The mothers are passionatclj fond of their children.' —
G oldbary's Tvaveis. — '* Strike nie," said my attendant, " but do not curse my mother." — ' The same sentiment ' I found universally to prevail. — One of the first lessons
- in which the Mandingo won)en instruct their children
- is the practice of truth, — It was the only consoiatio©
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