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She stopt.
"You must permit me," he cried, "to shut the door; and you must grant me two minutes audience."
She neither consented nor offered any opposition.
He closed the door, but she kept her place.
"Tell—speak to me, I beseech you!" he cried, "Oh clear the cruel doubts—"
"No more, my lord, no more!" interrupted Ellis, scorn taking possession of every feature; "I will neither give to myself the disgrace, nor to your lordship the shame, of permitting another word to be said!"
"What is it you mean?" cried he, planting himself against the door; "you would not—surely you would not brand me for a villain?"
She determined to have recourse to the bell, and, with the averted eyes of disdain, resolutely moved towards the chimney.
He saw her design, and cast himself