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venience, make its contents even momentarily useful to you, do not let any idea of its having ever belonged to Mr. Ireton impede its employment: I have examined that point thoroughly, and I can positively assure you, that he has not the least knowledge even of its existence."
As she held back from taking it, he put it upon a step before the door, and descended the stairs without giving her time to answer.
She did not dare either to follow or to call him, lest Elinor should again appear; but she felt convinced that the banknotes were his own, and became less uneasy at a short delay, though equally determined upon restitution.
She was depositing them in her workbag, when Selina came jumping into the room. "O Ellis," she cried, "I have the best news in the world for you! Aunt Maple fell into the greatest passion you ever saw, at hearing you were going to Howel Place."
'What!' says she, 'shall I let her disgrace me for ever, by