The Voyage of ITALY
Part I
Nay Masters themselves here, never beat their Servant, but remit them to Justice, if the fault require it, and I cannot remember to have heard in Rome, two women scold publickly, or Man and Wife quarrel in words, except once ; and then they did it so privately and secretly, and scolded in such a low tone, that I perceived the Italians had reason about them even in the midst of their Choler.
Their particular CustomsAs for their particular Customs, they are many. They marry by their ears, oftner than by their eyes: and scarce speak with one another, till they meet before the Parish Priest, to speak the indissolvable words of Wedlock. They make children to go bareheaded, till they be four or five years old, hardning them thus against Rheums and Catarrhs, when they shall be old. Hence few people in Italy go warm on their Heads as they do in France ; men in their Houses wearing nothing upon their heads but a little Calotte; & Women for the most part, going all bareheaded in the midst of Winter itself. Women here also wash their heads weekly in a wash made for the nonce, and dry them again in the Sun, to make their hair yellow , a colour much in vogue here among Ladies. The Men throw of their Hats, Cuffs, and Bands, as well as their Cloaks, at their return home from visits, or business, and put on a gray coat, without which they cannot dine, or sup; and I have been invited to dinner, by an Italian, who before dinner made his Men take off our hats & cloaks, & present every one of us (& we were five in all) with a coloured coat & alittle