The Voyage of ITALY
Part I
of Aquin, and his learned second Cardinal Cajetan.
If the antient Italians had their Philosophers, their Pliny, their Cato, their Seneca, etc. the Modern Italians have their Ficinus, their Cardan and their Picus Mirandula.
If the antient Italians had their rare Architects, Statuaries, Painters, the Modern Italians have their Brunelleschi, Palladio, Fontana, and Cronaco, in Architecture their Bandinelli, Donatello, Oliverio , and Bernini in Sculpture; their Raphael, Michael Angelo, Titian and Sarto in Painting.
If in fine, the antient Italians had their brave Captains, their Scipio, Duilius, Marius,and Caesar, the Modern Italians have their Scipio too, to wit, their Alexander Farnese, whose true actions make Romances blush, having done that really, which Fables can scarce feign in Galantry ; their Duilius too, to wit, their Andrea Doria, the Neptune of the Ligurian Seas, who alone taught his Country not to serve ; their Marius also to wit, their brave Castruccio, who from a Common Souldier mounted up by deserts to the highest Military Commands in the Emperors Army, and so stitched his fortune as he went along to Honours, that it never ravelled out again, or failed him ; In fine, their Caesar too, to wit, the Marquiss Spinola or rather the Achilles of Italy, who took that Troy of Ostend after three years Siege. This Siege was far more famous than that of Troy, because far truer. For in the Siege of Troy it was Poetry only that made the War, that framed and filled the Wooden