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Where are now those rare pieces of Antiquity which Histories rather mention,than we find now

in Rome ? as the Cymboum Marti 5 the Gregoftafls the Curia Hostilia , the Golden House of Nero, Tertuliib. the Theater ot Pompey, of which Terwllian saith, de speftac, Pomptius magnus folo fuo Theatro minor ; the s. 10. Forum Nerva ; the Theater of Statilim Taurus, the Septizonium Severi ; the Tower of Mecanof-, the Hippodromm, the House of Gordianus$ the Circus Flaminius ; the Circus Maximus; the Atri- um Libertatis, Scipio’ s House 7 the Triumphal Arch of Augusto Caesar ; of Domuian ? And a World of other fuch rare buildings,whereby the Romans thought to have eternized their memories,; if you ask for. these things in Books, you should find their names only, if yob look for them now in Rome, you shall find no marks at all of them : which makes me cry out with Petrarch,

A Voyage of Italy Part II

Crede mihi alii* quam lapideis fundament is eget gloria, ut Jit man fur a : Believe me , true permanent glory Jlands in need of other Foundations than those of Stone . Hence Janus Pit alls an ingenious Italian Poet, having obferv’d that all the old massive Buildings of Rome are mouldered away, and that Fluid Tyher only remains [till, cries out with this sweet Moral,

Difce hinc quid pojfit fortuna ; imnota lahafcunt Et qua perpetuo funt fluitura , manent .

But I cannot leave Rome without taking notice, of the Devotion, Music, Ceremonies, Shows, Government, and the Inhabitants of this place: of each of which I will give a touch, both for my Traveler's sake, and my Readers.

And first for the Devotion of Rome, I found it to be very great and real in thofe places where the Quarante Hore and Stations are kept. For all the year long the Quarante Hore go from one’ church to another, through all the Churches of Rome ; and there you shall always fee a world of devout People praying and meditating and hearing the Sermons, and giving of Alms, and all this with that profound respect and filence, with that affiduity and concourfe, with that fervor and zeal, that you need not a^k where the Station is, but only observe where you see the People flocking so fafl in the morning, and where the Poor make the greatest: Hedge and Lane, in other Churches of Rome, upon their Festival days (which happen almost every day, in one place or other) they have the best Music can be got: and though this seems to draw mens' ears to the Church, xxxxxxxxx of Antiquity

which Hiftories rather mention than we find now ? in Rome ? as the Cymboum Mam ; the Gregoftafis ; the Curia Hoftilia * the Golden Houfe oi Nero , the Theater of Vompey, of which T ertullian faith/ Pompeiws magnus jolo fuo theatro minor ; the Form Nerv<£$ the Theater of Statilius Taurus 5

the Septiz.onium Seven, the Tower of Mecdems ; the Htppodromus ; the Houfe of Gordiams ; the Circus Flminius ; the Circus Maximus ; the Atrium Libertatis-y

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and a World of other fuch rare buildings* whereby the Romans thought to have eternized their memories ; if you ask for thefe things in Books* you fhall find their names only , if you look for them now in Rome, vou fhall find no marks at all of them : which makes me cry out with Petrach 5 Crede mihi aim quam lagideis fundamentis eget gloria, ut manfura believe me true permanent gloother Foundations than thofe ry ftands in need an ingenious Italian Hence Janus Vital Stone Poet* having obferv’d that all the old maffive Buildings of Rome are moultered away* and that Fluid Tyber only remains ftill* cries out with this fweet Moral.




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cannot leave Rome without taking notice the Devotion* Mufic, Ceremonies, Shows, Government, aiid the Inhabitants of this place of each of which will give touch* both for my And Travellers fake* and my Readers,

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