and variety of Pictures in Frames can make a Houfc handfome.
In this Piazza I faw the Palace of the Duke of Braccino , of the house of Orsini, and that of Family of Torres.
The Spanish Church here called St Jacomos, is not to be forgotten. Here lies buried in it Ciaconius, a learned Critic for a Spaniard. The Picture here in Oyl of San Diego is of Annibal Caraccio.
Over against: the Back-door o f this Church stands the Sapienza, a fair College, where the public Lectures are read. This College was begun by Eugenius the IV, but much beautified of late with handsome Schools, and a neat Church, by Urban the VIII, and a public Library by Alexander the VII. We have had in my time two Englishmen that were Readers here; Doctor Hart, and Doctor Gibbs, a noble Cesarean Laureate Poet, and the Horace of this Age.
From hence passing through the Piazza Madama, and before the Palace of the Grand Duca, I went to St Lewis his Church, belonging to the French Nation. It’s an handsome church, and well served with French priests. There’s also an
hospital belonging to that Church and Nation. In the Church I found, upon a Pillar on the left hand, the Picture of great Cardinal Doffat, a French-man, whom I may juftly call Great, because he was both a great Statesman, and yet a
very, good Man ; that is, he was a great. Servant to his King, and yet a great Servant of God. His rare Letters shew the one, and his Life written by Du Verdier shews the other. Here lies