а. In the old Arch in the top of the roof,is yet feenapiece of Mofaic Workreprcfenting our Saviour in the midft of the four and twenty Elders
Apocalypse. This piece was made there twelve hundred years ag :> in the time of S.Leo the great ; and at the coft of P lacidia Galla (daughter of Tbeodojius^nd After of Honoring as the two
of the
Verfes in that Arch teftify thus
own* reportat , Gaudet Pontificis ftudio fplendere Leonis. The mira-
Baron .
Baron, ad
Maxirol. tigm. 20 .
J>ia mens opens decus
The famous Miraculous Crucifix (handing
in a Chappel on the Epiftle fide of the High Altar) which fpoke to S.Bridgit. This Crucifix favours the opinion of thole who affirm that there were two nails in our Saviours feet. 4. The neat Chappel and Tabernacle of the B. Sacrament ; with the rare pictures relating thereunto, made by Cavalier Lanfranco. 5. The pifture of the Altar of S. Steven made by a Lady of Bologna called Lavinia Foma na:
б. The chief Relics kept here are, the Head
of the Samaritan woman converted by our Saviour : The Arm .of S. Anne mother of our and the Chain of Saint blefied
From S.PauPs Church I went to the Tre Ton-
tane above a mile and a half off, and in the way, palled over the place whereS.2^,and ten thoufand Chriftians were martyred at once by the command of D ioclefian the butcher. Their blood
made this wav holy all along.
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