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sent to Rome by the Duke of Bavaria after he had dispossessed the Elector Frederick Prince Palatin of Rhine, of his country, as well as of the Kingdom of Bohemia which he had seized on, at the instigation of Bethelm Gabor and others. See the Mercure Francois. They shewed me here, among diverse other books, the book of designs of the said Prince Elector Palatin, which he had designed being young. Happy Prince if he had not designed to himself an other man's Crown.

In the great room of this. Library there is an Iron door which letteth you into a more secret room, where the Registers of the

The Voyage of Italy Page 66

of Rome are kept : the keeper of which Registers was anciently called Chartularius; an office mnch like to that in the Greek Church; called Chartophylax.

In fine I was shewn here diverse letters of great persons and Princes,

written with their own hands, as of S. Charles Borommeo, to Cardinal Sirleta who had had a hand in his some education: of Queen Mary of England; of King Phillip the Second of Spain her husband, stiling himself King of Spain, England, and France; of Francis the first of France: of Margaret of Parma that governed Flanders when it revolted: of President Vargas a Spaniard, and a great Statesman in Flanders, but no great Latinist, as it appeared by his answer to the Doctors of Lovain Harsh Latin (petitioning him in Latin for their priviledges ) when he said N.on curamus vstroy priviligiot. Mali faxerunt templa; bomi nihil fixerunt contra : ergo debent omney put bulari: the terms of the expostulation being as harsh as the conclusion of it; and?some old polite

Palatin , which he had defigned being young. Happy Prince , if he had not defigned to himfelf another Mans Crown. The place In the great room of this Library, there is an

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w hl c h letteth you into a more fecret ^ room , where the of the Church of Remitters Rom are kept : The Keeper of which Regifters was anciently called Chartularm • an Office much like to that in the Greek Church 5 called Char topbylax.

In fine. I

was (hewn here divers Letters


great Perlons and Princes, written with their own hands, as of S. Charles Boromeus , to Cardinal , Sirleto , who had a hand in his education 5 of . ters of Queen Mary of England; King Philip the Scgreat Per- cond of Spain her Husband, (filing himfelf King Jons. 0 f Spain, England and France 5 of Francis the firft of France 5 of Margeret of Parma that Governed Flanders when it revolted $ of Prefident Varga* a Spaniard , and a great Statefman in Flanders , but no great Latinift, as it appeared by his Anfwer to the Do&ors of Lovain ( petitioJfarjh La - ning him in Latin for their priviledges^ when he

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faid 5 Non curamiis voflros privilegios . Mali fa* xerunt templa 5 boni nihil faxerunt contra : Ergo debent omnes patibulari : The terms of the expoftu-

lation , being

as harfh

as the concluflon

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