Cafile. 7. The Tower keep Gunpowder.
great enterprize.
Greek Church.
the night. 3. The Haven it felf where Ships liefafe, and the little Haven, within that,tvbich ferves for a withdrawing Room to the great Haven, where the Galleys retire themfcives. 4. The Statue of Ferdinand the firft in marble, with the Statues in bron&e of four paves at his feet. Thefe ^re the 4 Haves that would have ftolnaway a Galley and have rowed here alone ; but were taken in their themfelves
the Sea where they
The Jews Synagogue.
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I9. 'YwoWindmils which are rare things
place here
taly and therefore muft have
among the rareties of this Town.
found not any Academy of Wits here, nor
any Records of any learned Men of this Town.
All the Latin here
only Meum and Tmm
arid their Wits are exercifed here how to make
Indeed what
good Bargains not good Booh.
fliould the Mufes do here amongft the horrible
noife of chains, of Carts, of bawling Sea-men, of
clamorous Porters and where the Slaves of
Barb ary are able to fright all Learning out of
the Town with their looks, as all Latin with
their Language. Yet muff confefs thev ftudy
here belle Lettere for,
the true Belle Lettere
be Letters of Exchange, your Merchant here,
ifyouprefcnt him Letter of Exchange ro m
his Correfpondent, will read
over, and over
before he give you
again, and ftudy upon
the Contents of
Having finifhed this excurfive journey, we
returned again to Florence and having rafted
our Horfcs day or two, we took
new rife