The Voyage of Italy.
Part I.
covered his Body, strove to recover his Mind too, which was sore spent with Fears and Melancholy; and for this purpose brought unto him the Buffon of Bernardo Guadagni then Confaloniero, the Chief Magistrate of the Republick, who with his Witty Jests, so cheered him up with mirth, that he began not only to think again, but also of getting out from thence, that he might live long. To this end he works with the Buffon to carry a promise in Writing from him to the Confaloniero, of 1000 Crowns of Gold, upon condition he would free him. The Buffon undertakes it, and money takes with the Confaloniero, who under pretence of examining the Cause to put him to death, finds him only worthy of Banishment, to which he condemns him; and the place of his Banishment was Venice. This was it that he desired, for being at Venice, he wrought so well by Friends with the People, that loved him, that he was restored again to his Country, and got the Title of Pater PatriƦ by publick decree. By this Title his Family grew into that esteem, that it overtopt the rest, and in time wrought it self into Soveraignty.
The Government.
For the Government of Florence, it is now monarchical, and Despotical, the Great Dukes Will being absolute, all great businesses passing through his knowledge and liking: so that he wants nothing of King but the Name; and that too he almost hath under the Name of Great Duke.
The Strength.
As for the Strength of this State, it hath 20 Episcopal Cities; 500 little Walled Towns; strong Forts on the Confines: and can makean