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Part I.

The Voyage of Italy.


with Wine standing in Wnow, or with :imonade, or some such Cooling Drinks, which are also offered to the Ladies. In a great Room below, at the entrance of the Palace, there is a long table for Gamesters that love to play deep, that is, that love to play only for Money.

Their Sports.

Il Giuoco di Calcio.

The Florentines enjoying by the goodness and and Wisdom of their excellent Prince, the fruits of Peace, have many other Recreations, where the People pass their time chearfully, and think not of Rebellion by muttering in corners. For this reason, both in Winter and Summer they have their several divertisements. In Winter their Giuoco di Calcio (a play something like our Foot-ball, but that they play with their hands) every night from the Epiphany till Lent, with their Principi di Calcio. This being a thing particular to Florence, deserves to be described. The two Factions of the Calcio, the Red and the Green, choose each of them a Prince, some young Cavalier of a good Purse. These Princes being choosen, choose a world of Officers, and lodge, for the time, in some great Palace; where they keep their Courts, receive Embassadors, from one another, and give them publick, Audience in State, send Post to one another complain of one anothers Subjects, and take Prisoners from one another; hear their Councellors one after another, disswading from, or perswading to War; give Orders for settling their Affairs at home, hear the Complaints of their Subjects, jeer their Enemy princes in Embassies, and at last resolve to fight, with pro-claim-

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