Hence it is said, that Michaelangelo coming now and then to Florence (his native country) whiles he was making the cupola in Rome of St Peter's Church, and viewing attentively this cupola of Florence, used to say to it; Come voglio : meglio di te non poffo. It's said also, that Brunelleschi making this cupola, caused taverns, that the cook-shops, and lodgings to be set in it, that the workmen might find all things necessary there, and not spend time in going up and down: and he had reason, for this cupola from the ground below, to the top of all the lantern, is two hundred and two braccie, or yards high. The straight passage from the top of the cupola to the round brazen ball, is thirty six yards high. The ball is four yards wide and capable of four and twenty men: and the cross at the top of this ball is eight yards long. The straight passage up to the Ball is neatly contrived like a round chimney of white marble, with holes on both sides, and brazen steps cross those holes to climb up easily by hand and foot, the passage From the top of this being clean and smooth. From the top of the cupola, taking perfect view of Florence under us, and of the whole country about it, the sight of two thousand villa's or Country houses, scattered here and there, round about the town, we came down again to view the inside of this church. It is about three hundred foot long from the great door to the choir, and from thence to the end almost two hundred more. The choir is round and perpendicularly under the cupola, being of the same bigness and, upon solemn days, when the wax candles are lighted round about it, it looks gloriously, otherwise