Part I.119
Jeweller ) to whom I fhewed the weight and valued to be richly worth thicknelsof hundred thoufand Crowns between Merchant hundred and fifty thoufand Crowns between Prince and Prince. Going from the 'Great Duke's Palace, we fell prefently upon the Augufiins Church. Tsgu]lins neat Church defigned by Brunellefchi and Church. much beautified with handfbme Pillars. The Tabernacle and High Altar coft hundred thousand Crowns, and yields to few Italy for neatnefs and State. Behind the High Altar the very end of the Church, rare pidure of our Saviour abfolving the poor Woman catchcd Adultery. The confufion that appears the Face of this Woman, makes appear what rare Painter Allori was, who made this
9.Passing from hence over the Bridge ('where four white Marble Statues reprefenting the* four Seatons of the year Hand, all made by Michael Angelo) we came to the Piazza of the faw the Equeftrian Statue Gran Duca, where of Cofinus the Great Bronze with his Vidories the Pedeftal of the fame and prime adions this Metal. At the corner of the old Palace with Piazza, Hands the brave Fountain NepNear the Gates of tune, Tritons and Nereides. the Palace here, Hand two Statues of more than Gygantean bulk that of David the and that of Herhand of Michael Angelo of the hand of Bandimllk cules killing Cacus the Portico hard by, The other Statues here are much cryrd up for rare Pieces, as that of Per-