Part I.
The Voyage of Italy.
a rare Picture in miniature of Giulio Glorio's hand, and three fair Pieces in miniature of an Augustin Friar yet living, and a Man of great esteem, having taken the right course to be famous, that is, to make but few Pieces, but these finished with all the patience which miniature requires. In this Tribuno I saw also the famous Nail, half Gold, half Iron; made by the famous Alchymist Thurnheufer. They shewed me also a great Lump of Gold, not yet stamped into Coyn; two shells of Mother of Pearl with their two Pearls still sticking to them, and just as they grow: the Pearls are rich Pearls and round. The two pieces of Emerauld-Rock, the one scarce formed yet into perfect Emerauld, but only begun: the other quite finished and green. Then two close Cupboards within the Walls of this Room, in which I saw a world of curious Cups and Vases of Crystal, Agate, Lapis Lazuli, and other such curious, but brittle matter, yet of rare Fabrick and Shape: they value them at two hundred thousand Crowns. The Unicorns Horn, and the Alabaster Pillar are not to be forgotten. The great Cabinet of Ebony standing at the further end of this Tribuno, full of antient Meddals of Gold, Silver and Brass, of the antient Consuls and Emperours, all digested into their several Series; and yet this Cabinet is almost as rich without, as it contains Riches within; being set without with precious stones of a vast bigness and value; to wit, a Saphir as broad as a twenty shillings piece, and half an inch thick; a Ruby full as great, but far richer; an Emerauld not inferiour to the rest; a Pearl as big asan