Porthos bit his lips. Belle-Isle, my friend," said he, "belongs to Monsieui Fouquet, does it not?" "Yes, I believe so." "As Pierrefonds belongs to me?" "I told you I believed so; there are not two words to that." "Did you ever see a man there who is accustomed to walk about with a ruler in his hand?" "No; but I might have seen him there, if he really walked there." "Well, that gentleman is Monsieur Boulingrin." "Who is Monsieur Boulingrin?" "Now we come to it. If, when this gentleman is walk- ing with a ruler in his hand, any one should ask me, 'Who is Monsieur Boulingrin?' I should reply,' He is the archi- tect of the house.' Well, Monsieur Getard is the Boulin- grin of Monsieur Fouquet. But he has nothing to do with the fortifications, which are my department alone. Do you understand? — mine, absolutely mine." "Ah! Porthos," cried D'Artagnan, letting his arms fall as a conquered man gives up his sword; "ah! my friend, you are not only a Herculean topographer, you are, still further, a dialectician of the first water." "Is it not powerfully reasoned?" said Porthos; and he puffed and blew like the conger which D'Artagnan had let slip from his hand. "And now," said D'Artagnan, "that shabby-looking man, who accompanies Monsieur Getard, is he also of the household of Monsieur Fouquet?" "Oh, yes!" said Porthos, with contempt; "it is one Mon- sieur Jupenet, or Juponet, a sort of poet." "Who is to come to establish himself here?" "I believe so." "I thought Monsieur Fouquet had poets enough yonder — Scudery, Loret, Pellisson, La Fontaine? If I must tell you the truth, Porthos, that poet disgraces you." "Eh! my friend, but what saves us is that he is not here as a poet." "As what then, is he?" "As printer. And you make me remember I have a word to say to the cuistre." "Say it then." Porthos made a sign to Jupenet, who perfectly recollected D'Artagnan, and did not care to come nearer; which natu-