And juft difdain, and anger's honeft flame.
With complicated power convulfe her frame ; Contending pa (lions every thought confound, And in tumultuous doubt her foul is drown'd. Now treacherous pride, who tempts her tongue to trip, Forms to a keen reply her quivering lip : Infidious Spleen now hovers o'er the fair, Deems her half lock'd within her hateful fnare ; In her new Have preparing to rejoice, To taint her fpirit, and untune her voice. Haplefs Serena ! what can fave thee now ? The fiend's dark fignet {tamps thy clouded brow, In thy fwoln eye I fee the darting drop ; This fatal fhower, aetherial guardian ! flop : Hade to thy votary, hafle her foul fuftain, Nor let the trials {he has pafl be vain* Ah me ! while yet I fpeak, with fhuddering dread I hear the magic girdle's burfting thread. This horrid omen, ye kind powers ! avert ; Nor thou, bright zone ! thy brighter charge defert.