Coupling, with radiant wreaths of lambent fire,
Fair fluttering Hope, and rapturous Defire. Unnumber'd damfels different charms difplay, Penfive with blifs, or in their pleafures gay ; And the wide profpe& yields one touching fight Of tender, yet diverfined delight. But, the bright triumphs of their joy to check, In the clear air there hangs a dufky fpeck ; It fwells — it fp reads — and rapid, as it grows. O'er the gay fcene a chilling fhadow throws. The fond Serena, who beheld its flighty Sufpe&s no evil from a cloud fo light ; For harmlefs round her the thin vapours wreath, Not hiding from her view the fcene beneath ; But, ah ! too foon, with pity's tender pain, She faw its dire effecl; o'er all the plain : Sudden from thence the founds of anguifh flow, And joy's fweet carols end in fhrieks of woe : The wither'd flowers are fall'n that bloom'd fo fair, And poifon all the peftilential air.