Prepare for sad surprises My love Aline despises ! No thought of sorrow shames her Another lover claims her ! Be his, false girl, for better or for worse But, ere you leave me, may a lover's cur DR. D. (Coming forward.} Hold. Be just. This poor child drank the philtre at your instance, She hurried off to meet you but, most unhappily, she met me instead. As you had administered the potion to both of us, the result was inevitable. But fear nothing from me 1 will be no man's rival. I shall quit the country at once and bury my sorrow in the congenial gloom of a Colonial Bishopric. ALEXIS. (R.) My excellent old friend (taking his hand then turning to MR. "WELLS, who has entered with LADY SANGAZURE). Oh, Mr. "Wells, what, what is to be done ? MR. W. (c.) I do not know and yet there is one means by which this spell may be removed. ALEXIS. Name it oh, name it 1 MR. W. Or you or I must yield up his life to Ahrimanes. I would rather it were you. I should have no hesitation in sacrificing my own life to spare yours, but we take stock next week, and it would not he fair on the Co. ALEXIS. True. "Well, I am ready! (Crosses to L. c.) ALINE. No, no Alexis it must not be! Mr. "Wells, if he must die that all may be restored to their old loves, what is to become of me ? I should be left out in the cold, with no love to be re- stored to ! MR.W. True I did not think of that (To the others.) My friends, I appeal to you, and I will leave the decision in your hands. FINALE. MR.W. SiRM, LADY & ALL. Or I, or he Must die I Which shall it be 7 Reply I Die thou ! Thou art the cause of all offending I Die thou ! Yield thou to this decree unbending I
Die thou I