AIINS. Alas ! that lovers thus should meet; Oh, pity, pity me I Oh, charge me not with cold deceit; Oh, pity, pity me ! You bade me drink with trembling awe I drank, and, by the potion's law, I loved the very first I saw ! Oh, pity, pity me ! DR - D. My dear young friend, consoled be We pity, pity you. In this I'm not an agent free We pity, pity you. Some most extraordinary spell, O'er us has cast its magic iell The consequence I need not tell. We pity, pity you. ENSEMBLE. Some most extraordinary spell, O'er j "* [ has cast its magic fell ( j The consequence -j I need not tell. ALEXIS. (Furiously.) False one, begone I spurn thee . To thy new lover turn thee ! Thy perfidy all men shall know. ALINE. ( Wildly.) I could not help it ! ALEXIS. (Calling off.) Come one, come all I DR. D. We could not help itl ALEXIS. (Calling off.) Obey my call! ALINE. ( Wildly.) I could not help it ! ALEXIS. (Calling off.) Come, hither, run I DR. D. We could not help it I ALEXIS. ( Calling off.) Come, every one I Enter all the characters R. and L., except LADY SANQAZURE and MB WELLS. CHORUS. Oh, what is the matter, and what is the clatter? He's glowering at her, and threatens a blow I Oh, why does he batter the girl ho did flatter?
And why does the latter recoil from him so ?