ENSEMBLE. She will tend him, nurse him, mend him, Air his linen, dry his tears. Bless the thoughtful fates that send him Such a wife to soothe his years 1 ALINE. No young giddy, thoughtless maiden, Full of graces, airs and jeers But a sober widow, laden With the weight of fifty years I SIE M. No high born exacting beauty, Blazing like a jewelled sun But a wife who'll do her duty, As that duty should be done I MRS. P. I'm no saucy minx and giddy Hussies such as they abound But a clean and tidy widdy Well bekuown for miles around I DR. D. All the village now have mated, All are happy as can be I to live alone am fated: No one's left to marry me I ENSEMBLE. She will tend him, etc. Exeunt SIR MARMADUKE (L.) and MRS. PARTLET, ALINE and ALEXIS (B. DR. DALY looks after them sentimentally, then exit R. u. E. with a sigh. MR. WELLS, who has overheard part of this Quintette, and who has remained behind the market cross, comes down as they go off. RECITATIVE MR. WELLS. Oh, I have wrought much evil with my spells I An ill I can't undo! This is too bad of you, J. W. Wells What wrong have they done you ? And see another love lorn lady comes Alas, poor stricken dame ! A gentle pensiveness her life benumbs -And mine, alone, the blame ! (Sits at foot of market cross.) SANGAZURE enters R. u. E., comes down. She is very melancholy. .Alas! ah, me! and well-a-day! I sigh for love, and well I may, For I am very old arid gray. But stay !
(Sees MR. WELLS, and becomes fascinated by him.)