(To COUNSEL.) You're everything that I detest,
But still I love you dearly ! CHORUS. You're everything that girls detest, But still she loves you dearly 1 COUNSEL. I caught that line, but for tho rest I did not hear it clearly ! (During this verse ALINE and ALEXIS have entered at back unobserved}. ALINE and ALEXIS. ALEXIS. ALINE. Oh, joy 1 oh, joy ! The charm works well, And all are now united. The blind young boy Obeys the spell, The troth they all have plighted. ENSEMBLE. CONSTANCE. COUNSEL. Oh, bitter joy! Oh, joy! oh, jov! No words can tell No words can tell, How my poor heart i* blighted ! My state of mind delighted. They'll soon employ A marriage bell, They'll *oon employ A marriage bell, To say that we're To say that we're united. united. I do confess A sorrow rare My humbled spirit True happiness Reigns everywhere, And dwells with both vexes, the sexes, And none will bless And all will bless Example rare Example rare Of their beloved Of their beloved Alexis! Alexis ! ALINE and ALEXIS. Oh, joy! oh, joy I The charin works well, Aiid all are now united. The blind young boy, Obeys the spell, Their troth they all have plighted. True happiness Reigns everywhere, And dwells with both the sexes, And all will bless The thoughtful care Of their beloved Alexis ! (All, except ALEXIS and ALINE, dance off R. and L. to symphony, CONSTANCE and COUNSEL going O/L.) ALINE. How joyful they all seem in their new found happiness! The whole village has paired off in the happiest manner. And yet, not a match has been nmde that the hollow world would not consider ill advised! ALEXIS. But we are wiser far wiser than the world. Observe the good that will become of these ill assorted unions. The miserly wife will check the reckless expenditure of her too frivolous consort the wealthy husband will shower innumerable bon- nets OQ his penniless bride, and the young and lively spouse will cheer the declining days of her aged partner with comic songs unceasing ! ALINE. What a delightful prospect for him ! ALEXIS. But one thing remains to bo done, that my happiness may be complete, wo must drink the philtre ourselves, that I may be
assured of your love for ever and ever.