Ensemble, ALEXIS and ALINE. (Aside.} Oh, love, tme love unworldly, abiding ! Source of all pleasure true fountain of joy Oh, love, true love divinely confiding;, Exquisite treasure that knows no alloy ! Oh, love, true love, rich harvest of gladness, Peace bearing tillage great garner of bliss Oh, love, true love, look down on our sadness Dwell in this village oh, hear us in this 1 It becomes evi'lent, by the strange conduct of the characters, that the charm is working. All rub their eyes. TUTTI. (Aside.) ALEXIS, MR. "WELLS and ALIXE. (Aside.) Oh, marvellous illusion I A marvellous illusion Oh, terrible surprise ! A terrible surprise What is this strange confusion Excites a strange confusion That veils my aching eyes? "Within their aching eyes I must regain my senses, They must regain their senses, Restoring reason's law, Restoring reason's law, Or fearful inferences Or fearful inferences ' The company will draw ! The company will draw ! Those who have partaken of the philtre struggle against its effects, and resume the Brindisi with a violent effort TUTTI. Eat, drink, and be gay, Banish all worry and sorrow Laugh gayly, to-day Weep, if you're sorry, to-morrow, Come*, pass the cup round "We will go bail for the liquor ; It's strong, I'll be bound, For it was brewed by the vicar 1 None so cunning as he At brewing a jorum of tea. Hal ha! At brewing a jorum of tea !