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ALINE. (R. c.) Oh, Alexis, those are noble principles I ALEXIS. (L. c.) Yes, Aline; and I am going to take a desperate step in support of them. Have you ever heard of the firm of J. "W. Wells & Co., the old established family sorcerers, in St. Mary Axe? ALINE. I have seen their advertisement ALEXIS. They have invented a philtre, which, if report may be believed, is simply infallible. I intend to distribute it through the vil- lage, and within half-an hour of n^ doing so, there will not be an adult in the place who will not have learnt the secret of pure and lasting happiness. What do you say to that? ALINE. Well, dear, of course a filter is a very useful thing in a house ; quite indispensable in the present state of Thames water ; but still I don't quite see that it is the sort of thing that places its possessor on the very pinnacle of earthly joy. ALEXIS. Aline, you misunderstand me. I didn't say a filter I said philtre. ALINE. So did I, dear. / said a filter. ALEXIS. No, dear, you said a filter. I don't mean a filter I mean a philtre ph. you know. ALINE. (Alarmed.) You don't mean a love potion ? ALEXIS. On the contrary I do mean a lovo potion. ALINE. Oh, Alexis, I don't think it would be right. I don't, indeed. And then a real magician I Oh, it would be downright wicked! ALEXIS. Aline, is it, or is it not, a laudable object to steep the whole vil- lage up to its lips in love, and to couple them in matrimony without distinction of age, rank, or fortune? ALINE. Unquestionably, but ALEXIS. Then unpleasant as it must bo to have recourse to supernatural aid, I must nevertheless pocket my aversion, in deference to the great and good end I have in view. (Calling.) Hercules 1 Enter a Page from tent, L. PAGE. Yes, sir. ALEXIS. Is Mr. Wells there ? PAGE. He's in the tent, sir refreshing. ALEXIS. Ask him to be so good as to step this way. PAGE. Yes, sir. (Exit Page, L.) ALINE. Oh, but Alexis ! A real Sorcerer ! Oh, I shall bo frightened to death ! ALEXIS. I trust my Aline will not yield to fear while the strong right crm of her Alexis is here to protect her. ALINE. It'3 nonsense, dear, to talk of your protecting me with your strong right arm, iii face of the fact that this Family Sorcerer could change mo into a guinea pig before you could turn round. ALEXIS. He could change you into a guinea pig, no doubt, but it is most unlikely that he would take such a liberty. It's a most re- spectable firm, and I am sure he would never bo guilty of r.o untradesmanlike an act. Enter MR. WELLS from tent. MR. W. Good day, sir. (ALINE much terrified)

ALEXIS. Good day I believe you are a Sorcerer.

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