came up to port companion ladder half way from the waist of the poop-deck. There he stood holding on to the top of the rail, looking very humble and abashed. It was some time before the first-mate noticed him or deigned to notice him. In that interval Burke said a score of times:
"Mr. Willson, Sor."
Each time he realized that he was ignored he waited meekly for a chance to try again. Finally the mate saw him speak and asked:
"What is it, Burke?"
Burke began to pour out a torrent of speech.
"Come here," said the mate.
When Burke was close to him he said:
"Speak slow."
"Shure Sor," he said, "ye wudn't go fur to call ut mut'ny whan a man's droonk an' makes a fule of himsilf?"
"Perhaps not," the mate replied, his steady eyes on Burke's face.
"Ye, wudn't, I know," Burke went on confidently. "Ye see, Sor, Oi was half droonk whan Oi cum aboord. An' Oi had licker tu, more fule Oi. Mr. Olsen, he cum forrard in the dog-watch afther ye'd taat me me place, and he routed ut out an' hove ut overboord. Oi'm sobered now Sor, with the facer ye giv me an' the cowld wather an' the slape, Oi'm sobered, an' Oi'm