HE American Lectures on the History of
Religions are delivered under the auspices of
the American Committee for Lectures on the History
of Religions. This Committee was organised in 1892,
for the purpose of instituting "popular courses in
the History of Religions, somewhat after the style of
the Hibbert Lectures in England, to be delivered
annually by the best scholars of Europe and this
country, in various cities, such as Baltimore, Boston,
Brooklyn, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and
The terms of association under which the Commit-
tee exist are as follows:
1. The object of this Association shall be to provide
courses of lectures on the history of religions, to
be delivered in various cities.
2. The Association shall be composed of delegates
from Institutions agreeing to co-operate, or from
Local Boards organised where such co-operation
is not possible.
3. These delega -one from each Institution or