This work can never come to an end. Even now I am continually
thinking of the same problem, continually feeling that there is much more to be elucidated and added. This is comprehensible, because the subject itself is of such enormous importance and novelty, and one's powers, speaking without false humility, are so weak, and so inadequate to the significance of the question. I think therefore that all whom this subject strongly interests ought to work; all should investigate and elucidate this matter according to their powers. If everyone from his own personal point of view would say sincerely what he thinks and feels about this subject, then much which is dark will become clear, things it is the wrongful custom to hide will be disclosed, matters which appear strange because of their unfamiliarity will cease to be strange, and much which appears natural because it is usual to live badly will also cease to appear right. Owing to favorable circumstances I have had more faculties than others to draw the attention of society to this subject. It is necessary that others now shall continue the work,, from various sides.
Additional Extracts from Diaries and Letters, written during the years 1900-1908
THERE is physical love and spiritual love. The carnal love flows from sympathy, from pleasure vaguely realized; spiritual love for the most part, on the contrary, flows from a struggle with one's evil feelings, from the consciousness that it is necessary, that one must not hate,