The Mate of the Good Ship York. By W. Clark Russell, author of "The Wreck of the Grosvenor," etc., with a frontispiece from a drawing by W. H. Dunton.
W. Clark Russell, past master in his own province, is almost the last of the great sea romancers. This, his latest novel, is a story filled with the savor of the sea and the venturesome spirit of the old hardy merchant service. The story has all the vigor and interest that we are wont to look for in Mr. Russell's sea novels, and will be eagerly welcomed by his wide circle of admirers.
Asa Holmes or At the Cross-roads. By Annie Fellows-Johnston, author of "The Little Colonel's Holidays," etc., with a frontispiece from a drawing by Ernest Fosbery.
The many readers of Mrs. Johnston's charming stories will look forward with pleasure to her latest book. "Asa Holmes" is a sketch of country life and country humor, done with the simplicity and grace which mark all of Mrs. Johnston's work, and touched with the sunny wisdom of the cheery old Cross-roads philosopher, Asa Holmes.
The Cloistering of Ursula. By Clinton Scollard, author of "A Man-at-Arms," etc. Illustrated by H. C. Edwards.
It is with much pleasure that the publishers are able to announce another of Mr. Scollard's delightful Italian romances. Italy in the heyday of all her splendid sins and terrible virtues is a fascinating field for any romancer, and it is a fascinating romance which is here unfolded—a story of deadly feud and secret craft, open hatred and hidden love. A strange cloistering is that of the charming Ursula, whose adventures the reader follows with breathless interest from the time when, all unwitting, she aids the enemy of her house to escape from the fatal banquet, to the time when she finds her claustral refuge in the heart of that enemy.