THE WIFE OF KING GEORGE THE THIRD. Sophia Charlotte was the youngest daughter of Charles Louis Frederic, son of Adolphus Frederic, the second duke of Mecklenburg Strelitz, and Albertine Elizabeth, daughter of Ernest Frederic, Duke of Saxe Hildburghausen. This princess was born at Mirow, in Mecklenburg, on the 1 6th of May, 1744. At an early age she evinced great mental powers ; and as they were cultivated by a very superior education, she became one of .the most accomplished princesses of Europe. She was educated with her sister, the princess, first at the palace of Mirow, and afterward at Strelitz, to which the family removed on the death of her father, the duke, in 175 1. It is believed that George the Third's choice of his illus- trious consort was decided by the perusal of the following let- ter, addressed by the Princess Charlotte to the great Frederic of Prussia, on his army entering the territories of his cousin, the Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin : "May it please your Majesty, "I am at a loss whether I should congratulate or condole with you on your late victory, since the same success which has covered you with laurels has overspread the country of Mecklenburg with deso- lation. I know, sire, that it seems unbecoming my sex, in this age of vicious refinement, to feel for one's country, to lament the horrors of war, or to wish for the return of peace. I know you may think it more properly my province to study the arts of pleasing, or to inspect subjects of a more domestic nature; but. however unbecoming it may be in me, I cannot resist the desire of interceding for this unhappy people. "It was but a very few years ago that this territory wore the most pleasing appearance. The country was cultivated, the peasant looked cheerful, and the towns abounded with riches and festivity. What an alteration at present from such a charming scene ! I am not expert at description, nor can my fancy add any horrors to the picture; but surely even conquerors themselves would weep at the hideous pros- 5 I0