ated man perpetually felt. May I follow
his example herein? Having traced, step by step, the career of Buonaparte, the striking analogy between his conduct and the precepts of our author; and having thus unfolded his latent springs of action, explored his system, and ascertained the laws by which it is governed, I cannot but think that I have rendered some service to my country; but as unus vir non omnia videt, let those whose leisure and abilities are propitious to such a design, take the subject where I leave it, and complete what I have begun, when we may not despair of seeing our beloved country not only mistress of the seas, but again assuming her elevated rank in the scale of nations; an event which, if incompatible with the declining years of our beloved sovereign, will, I am persuaded, mark the auspicious accession of His Royal Highness the heir apparent, whose superior talents, to prove their superior transcendancy, only demand a field for action.