Sir Malcolm.
[Nodding.] Literary, musical and scientific clubs, ostensibly established in the interests of culture, but really of conspiracy.
Sir Robert.
For instance?
Sir Malcolm.
The Wagner Club, the Koch Club, the Goethe
Sir Robert.
Goethe Club? Haven't we heard of that before?
Sir Malcolm.
We have, sir, in connexion with the man Dr. Paul
Schiller. Dangerous person, tried for treason, sir.
Sir Robert.
Died suddenly in prison, didn't he?
Sir Malcolm.
Unfortunately, yes. He had been president of
the Goethe Club, and now his brother, Dr. Gottfried
Schiller, a teacher of music, has succeeded him.
Sir Robert.
Another dangerous person. Sir Malcolm?
Sir Malcolm.
Unquestionably. In fact, the Schillers are all
dangerous, sir.
Sir Robert.
Where do they live?